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Environment and Nature

  • Mining and environment — the two do not seem to go together. Indeed, they seem almost antithetical. But Sthenos Cement always prefer for sustaining the environment.
  • Sthenos Cement currently adopting the green technology, that will reduce carbon emissions in operations and mitigate adverse environmental impacts. It includes the use of minerals and metals that support a transition to low-carbon technologies such as solar panels or wind power. This technology can have a number of impacts on mining operations, including safety and productivity, environmental protection and opportunities for women.
  • Preservation of nature is utmost priority for us. Because of large scale destruction of natural areas due to mining operations, restoration of nature is important. We usually carry out tree plantations as a tool for mine spoil restoration as they have ability to restore soil fertility and ameliorate microclimatic conditions.
  • Sustainability principles have application for all stages of mine life cycle – exploration, mine planning, construction, mineral extraction, mine closure and post-closure reclamation and rehabilitation. Therefore, we always strictly follow the regulations for preservation of our mother earth.

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